
English Department Courses
Ms. Sharai Mojica
Department Chairperson
This freshman course introduces the students to the novel, short story, drama and poetry. Through reading and analysis, class discussions, and related writing assignments students will explore major literary genres, literary terms and techniques, and themes and writing styles; student will examine authors’ lives and related historical information. The formal study of vocabulary and grammar is part of the course. Students will develop and present expository, analytical, persuasive, and creative writing assignments. Student will prepare and present oral presentations. The goal of the grade nine course is to help students develop into better readers, writers and speakers.
The honors course offers the freshman program in greater depth and will include additional readings and require more advanced analysis and independent work on the part of the students. Students will learn the fundamental of research and produce a research paper.
This sophomore course is survey of British Literature arranged chronologically, beginning with Anglo-Saxon selections and continuing through contemporary writings. The course emphasizes the further development of critical thinking and communication skills. Student will explore the unique works of major writers and movements in British literature, specific literary genres, and various themes and writing styles; they will explore the historical backgrounds of authors’ lives and the influence on their works. Students have a vocabulary book and complete the thirty chapters. Grammar enrichment is also part of the course.
The honors course offers the sophomores additional reading and more sophisticated writing assignments and in-depth literary analysis. Prerequisite: High grades in English 9 and the recommendation of the English teacher.
This junior course focuses on the chronological study of American authors and writings from colonial through contemporary times. Through reading and analysis, class discussions, and related writing assignments students will explore the unique works of major writers and periods of American literature, specific literary genres, and various themes and writing styles; they will explore the lives of authors and historical influences on their works. They will read, write, discuss and make connections to previously studied works. The study of vocabulary will continue with the next level vocabulary book covering thirty chapters. Grammar enrichment will also continue and students will develop and present expository, analytical, persuasive and creative writing assignments.
World Literature is offered to seniors. This course is a study of selected world authors and the writings they have produced from ancient through contemporary times. Through reading and analysis, class discussions, and related writing assignments students will explore complex, unique themes and writing styles; they will examine the background of world authors and the historical time periods in which they lived and wrote. They will read, write, discuss and make connections among the works they are studying. The study of vocabulary will continue with the next level vocabulary book covering thirty chapters. Grammar and writing instruction will be emphasized. Students will produce a required senior research paper.
AP English is a full-year course offered to qualified juniors. The students in this course will do extensive writing and revision in areas across the curriculum that will help them achieve success not only in college, but beyond. The course is taught within the framework of the AP English Language and Composition Course Description. Nonfiction pieces are used predominately, but some fiction is incorporated when it can help show students various rhetorical strategies. Since many nonfiction pieces are read, this heightens their awareness of language, and increases their appreciation for fiction. They will be engaged in much independent study and preparation for the AP exam which they are required to take. Students will be given opportunities for analytical, expository, argumentative, and creative writing as well as ongoing vocabulary and grammar instruction and development. This rigorous course will focus on the development of the students’ skills in critical thinking, writing, reading, listening and speaking.
This AP English course is a full-year course offered to seniors. This course is a comprehensive study of American literature from the colonial period to the present, as well as representative world and/or British authors. Readings, along with corresponding historical and cultural perspectives, will be examined, discussed, and analyzed. Arranged with a multi-genre emphasis, the course will include thematic units as well. Students will be required to read a wide variety of literature and respond to it through discussion and in writing. They will be engaged in much independent study and preparation for the AP exam, which they are required to take. Students will be given opportunities for analytical, expository, argumentative, and creative writing, oral presentations, and ongoing vocabulary and grammar instruction and development. Practice and preparation for the AP test will be incorporated into the course syllabus. This intense course challenges students to read, understand, appreciate, analyze, and evaluate complex literature and to write in an effective style that exhibits mastery of language.