The 1919 Society


Established in 2020, The 1919 Society recognizes the sustained annual support of distinguished, leadership-level donors.  Joining The 1919 Society entitles each donor to a number of benefits at one of six giving levels.  Furthermore, it is an opportunity for donors to take their rightful place among Hill’s philanthropic leaders.

The 1919 Society recognizes donors who make an annual leadership-level gift at one of the giving society levels.  Membership in the giving society allows you to play an important role in the financial well-being of St. Joseph Hill Academy and to make a powerful statement about your commitment to our mission of providing an affordable, high-quality, Catholic education to our students.  Induction into The 1919 Society, means much more than joining an elite group. Rather, members make a vital contribution to our academy that ensures that we can continue to meet the mandates of our mission and maintain our highly respected values.

The chart below outlines the six different levels of giving and corresponding benefits.  Membership at all levels is determined by gifts in each current fiscal year from July 1 to June 30.  Membership benefits increase according to the size of the donor’s gift.  We invite you to join The 1919 Society by making a leadership-level commitment today!

Why join The 1919 Society For over one hundred years, St. Joseph Hill Academy has set the standard for outstanding K-12 education. We are proud to educate students who are prepared to face the future with faith, hope, determination, and a conviction that they will make a difference in the world.   We reflect on how far we have come, from our founding in 1919, to the outstanding and widely respected educational institution we are today. We credit the dedicated Daughters of Divine Charity, our outstanding students, parents, faculty and administration, and alumni for our success.  However, none of this would be possible without the support of our loyal donors. 

A widely known and highly regarded educational institution, much of the Academy’s success has been due to the financial support of alumni, parents, faculty, corporate and foundation partners, and our many distinguished benefactors.  Our donors have funded student scholarships, supported teaching innovation, financed major capital improvements, and helped lay a strong foundation for Hill’s future.  Without the support of our donors, St. Joseph Hill would not be the outstanding institution it is today.

Give today and take your place in The 1919 Society!

For more information about joining The 1919 Society, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Basile, Director of Advancement at [email protected] or call (718) 447-1374 Ext. 9163.


FY 2021

July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021


Summum Bonum Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Calcagno

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cardinale

Ms. Constance Costa

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Malley

The Michael Gordon Foundation


Leadership Circle


Mr. Anthony Colantone and Mrs. Joy Falanga Colantone

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Donohue

Ms. Jeanine R. Khoury

Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Rammairone

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schirripa

The Northfield Bank Foundation

The Richmond County Savings Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shudtz

The Staten Island Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Nino Tristani


Trustees’ Circle


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arminante

Ms. Catherine Bertin

Mr. and Mrs. James Coccaro

Ms. Kristin Corapi and Mr. Thomas Moeller

Ms. Mary Galante/Chief Energy

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giardina

Ms. Maureen McHugh

Ms. Donna Griffo-Johnson

Mr. Vincent Indelicato

Ms. Elizabeth Johnsen

Northfield Bank

Ms. Colleen Paglen

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perciballi

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rooney

Mrs. Judith A. Schweisthal

Mr. Carlo Seneca and Dr. Jessica Krietchman-Seneca

Dr. Janel and Dr. Michael Zacchilli


President’s Circle


Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Conforte

Mr. and Mrs. Deiwis Dos Santos

Ms. Kathleen Golden

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nolan

Ms. Carol Nolan Petronella

Ms. Rita Polidori O'Brien


Principal’s Circle

Mr. Ashrefe Apedo and Ms. Maryam Shaker

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Aversa

Ms. Jennifer Brancato

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Brandon

Ms. Judith Campbell

Dr. Lauren Costa and Mr. Eric Johnstone

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Costa

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Darconte

Mr. Salvatore DePaolo

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dobson

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fama

Dr. Amber Ferrell and Mr. Sean Morales

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandez

Dr. Claudia Smolinski Fosket

Mr. Jon Fundaro and Dr. Stephanie Famulari Fundaro

Dr. and Mrs. Orlando Fuschetto

Mr. Mario and Mrs. Angela Giammarco

Ms. Claire McGee Gilbert

Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Patricia Gordon

Gotham Outfitters

Mr. and Mrs. Wojciech Gwozdz

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Heffernan, Jr.

Mr. Pamela Trainor Jones and Mr. Don Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Leone

Dr. John Maese and Dr. Donna Seminara

Dr. Paul J. McGinn

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Metz

Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Miceli

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Montanti

Ms. Patricia H. Nolan

Dr. Anne O'Donnell

The George & Diane Patisso and Frank Dosso Memorial Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Jose Ramirez

Mrs. Mary Catherine Reisert

Ms. Frances Zarrella-Sarcona

Ms. Kathleen Logan Schwartz

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sheikowitz

Dr. Patricia Schwartz

Ms. Maggie Thomann

Mr. Mark Varano and Mrs. Lori Brill-Varano

Dr. Kim Murphy-Villafane and Mr. Eric Villafane

Ms. Mary K. Winkler

Ms. Cheryl Zabala


Hilltopper Circle

Ms. Anna Abrigo

Dr. Philippe Akhrass and Dr. Jocelyn Karam


Dr. Loreta Andersen

Dr. Patricia Barry and Dr. John Cosgrove

Ms. Donna D'Alessandro Basil

Dr. Elizabeth and Mr. Allen Basile

Ms. Maura Bonnarens

Ms. Benedetta Casamento

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chahwan

Dr. Susan Dantoni and Dr. Peter Papadakos

Dr. Magda Daoud

Mr. and Mrs. Scott D'Arco

Mr. and Mrs. Krzysztof Darlak

Ms. Ami Desai and Mr. Sovrin Shah

DeVito and Alvarado Pediatrics Associates

Mr. and Mrs. Pietro DiMaggio

Ms. Carole Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gabriel

Ms. Anne Golden

Mr. Edward Herman and Mrs. Alison Powers Herman

Ms. Vanessa Holton

Ms. Doreen Inserra

Mr. John-Martin Jackson

Mr. Frank Jerrahian

Ms. Grace Mary Kaiser

Dr. Marguerite Lawrence and Col. Harris Tate Lawrence

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Locke

Ms. Kathleen O'Dea Mezzano

Mr. Edward Maloy

Dr. Rabih Maroun and Dr. Eliane Farroukh

Mrs. Maria Molluzzo

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Montanti

Mr. and Mrs. John Paskowski

Terence and Mary Alice Platt

Mr. John Rapawy and Mrs. Lainee Bovasso Rapawy

Dr. John and Mrs. Deborah Reilly

Ms. Katherine Santarpia

Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Tejani

Ms. Sharmila Rao Thakkar

Mr. Mark and Mrs. MaryEllen Usarzewicz

Mr. John Valenti and Ms. Allison O'Connor Valenti

Mr. Ryan Walsh and Mrs. Diana Marano Walsh

FY 2022

July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Summum Bonum Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Calcagno and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cardinale

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Malley

Mr. Peter Shudtz

The Michael Gordon Foundation


Leadership Circle

Ms. Connie Costa 

Mrs. Patricia Smith Demisch and Mr. Wolfgang Demisch

Dr. Jessica Krietchman Seneca and Mr. Carlo Seneca

The Northfield Bank Foundation

The Staten Island Foundation


Trustees Circle


Ms. Andrea Addeo

Ms. Catherine Bertin

Mr. and Mrs. James Coccaro

Ms. Kristin Corapi and Mr. Thomas Moeller

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fine

Mrs. Donna Griffo Johnson

Ms. Elizabeth Johnsen

Jeanine R. Khoury

Ms. Maureen McHugh

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scher

President’s Circle


Ms. Jennifer Brancato

Ms. Danielle DaSilva

Ms. Kathleen Golden

Ms. Marissa Jones and Mr. Graham Sheen

Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Leone

Mr. Paul McGinn

Dr. and Mrs. Pasquale Meleleo

Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Nicchitta

Ms. Patricia Nolan

Mr. and Mrs. Nino Tristani


Principal’s Circle


Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Banas

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Buono

Chief Energy- Mrs. Mary Galante

Mr. Michael Coppotelli

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Darconte

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiCiollo

Mr. Deiwis DosSantos

Mr. and Mrs. George Esposito

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fama

Dr. Amber Ferrell and Mr. Sean Morales

Dr. Stephanie Famulari and Mr. Jon Fundaro

Dr. and Mrs. Orlando Fuschetto

Mr. and Mrs. Mario Giammarco

Ms. Claire McGee Gilbert

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Wojciech Gwozdz

Mr. Vincent Indelicato

Mr. and Mrs. Zaim Lika

Ms. Mary E. McCarthy

Ms. Maggie Thomann McRoskey and Mr. Michael McRoskey

Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Miceli

Dr. Kim Murphy and Dr. Eric Villafane

Dr. Anne O’Donnell

Ms. Dorothy Pisarski and Dr. Edward Pisarski

Mr. and Mrs. Jose Ramirez 

Ms. Frances Zarrella-Sarcona and Mr. Joseph Sarcona

Ms. Mary Lou Terranova

Dr.  Patricia Schwartz

Mr. Sergio Silva and Ms. Marina Bezrukova

Dr. Alicia Sisk

Ms. Diane Lisa Sobin and Mr. Larry Sobin

Ms. Sharmila Rao Thakkar

Ms. Valerie Toscano

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Varano

Ms. Cheryl Zabala


Hilltopper Circle


Dr. Philippe Akhrass and Dr. Jocelyne Karam

Dr. Loreta Andersen

Dr. Elizabeth and Mr. Allen Basile

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buscemi

Ms. Judith E. Campbell

Ms. Joanne Caputo

Ms. Donna Chan and Mr. Daniel Locke

Dr. Kathryn Dannemann

The DeGennaro Family

Ms. Anne Louise DePalo

Mr. and Mrs. Pietro DiMaggio

Ms. Anna Dosso

Ms. Frances Torres Eckert and Mr. Neil Eckert

Ms. Carole Edwards

Ms. Maria Esposito and Mr. David Dowd

Dr. Rabih Maroun and Dr. Eliane Farroukh

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandez

Ms. Linda Fung, CPA and Mr. Tommy Mai

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Harris

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Herman

Ms. Doreen Inserra, CPA and Mr. Andrew Ottrando

Lieutenant Commander John-Martin Jackson and Mrs. Stephanie Jackson

Mr. Frank T. Jerrahian

Col. Harris Lawrence and Dr. Marguerite Rossiello Lawrence

Colonel Anne McGee

Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Mikos, Jr.

Mrs. Maria Molluzzo

Ms. Susan Preziosa

Ms. Tara Regan

Ms. Kathleen Schwartz

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sheikowitz

Mrs. Kerry Sullivan 

Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Tejani

Ms. Frances Turbiak

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Walsh

Young Equipment Solutions - Mr. Richard Young

Dr. Janel Zacchilli

(July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023)
Summum Bonum 

The Michael Gordon Foundation

Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Mary Alice O'Malley

Mr. Peter Shudtz
Leadership Circle

Mr. and Mrs. James Barrow

Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Demisch

Ms.  Jeanine R. Khoury

Mr. and Mrs. Jack LoCicero
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Montanti

Mr. and Mrs. John Schwall

Ms. Maureen McHugh
Trustees’ Circle

Ms. Catherine Bertin

Bradford Renaissance Portraits 

Mr. and Mrs. James Coccaro

Mr. Thomas Moeller and Ms. Kristin Corapi

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fine- Fine Mechanical

Mrs. Donna Griffo-Johnson 

Mr. and Mrs. John Gustafsson

President’s Circle

Ms. Rosemarie Del Bove

Ms. Kathleen Golden

Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Leone

NetConnect - Mr. Joseph Ambrosole

Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Nicchitta

Ms. Patricia Nolan

Northfield Bank - Ms. Laurie Guinta

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Miller

Ms. Rita Polidori O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scher

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sheikowitz

Principal’s Circle

Mr. Ashrefe Apedo and Ms. Maryam Shaker

Mr. Joseph Basile- Four Seasons Food Service
Ms. Jennifer Brancato

Ms. Donna Chan and Mr. Daniel Locke
Class of 1972

Cogent Waste - Mr. and Mrs. Nino Tristani

Ms. Veronika Crane
Mr. Joseph Dalessio and Ms. Anita Speciale
Mr. and Mrs. Krzysztof Darlak

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Di Ciollo
Mr. and Mrs. George Esposito

Dr. Amber Ferrell and Mr. Sean Morales

     Dr. Stephanie Famulari and Mr. Jon Fundaro
Ms. Mary Galante- Chief Energy

Dr. and Mrs. Salvatore Germino
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Giammarco
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Patricia Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Wojciech Gwozdz

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hughes 

Lioni's Latticini Mozzarella, Inc.

Mr. Sebastian Ron Mannanice
Ms. Barbara Markoglu
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Miceli
Ms. Maureen Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moran

                      Millenium Physical Therapy -  Dr. and Mrs. Teddy Neamonitis
Dr. Anne O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Perfetto

Mr. Frank Puleo - Framboise Caterer 

Mr. and Mrs. Jose Ramirez  
Dr. and Mrs. John Reilly

Mrs. Mary C. Reisert and Mr. Raymond J. Reisert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamey Rimshnick 
Ms. Kathryn Rooney

Ms. Frances Zarrella-Sarcona and Mr. Joseph Sarcona

Scaran Oil- Mr. Thomas Scarangello

Mr. Robert Scarpaci - Bay Ridge Honda
Dr. Patricia Schwartz

Partner, Hach Rose Schirripa & Cheverie LLP - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schirripa
Ms. Sabrina Sorrentino

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Varano 

Dr. Eric Villafane and Dr. Kim Murphy-Villafane

Ms. Darragh Whalen

Ms. Cheryl Zabala

Dr. Janel and Dr. Michael Zacchilli
Hilltopper Circle


A List Janitorial Supplies Inc. - Steve Argentine

Ms. Angela Alcamo

Dr. Loreta Andersen

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bagliore

Dr. Elizabeth and Mr. Allen Basile
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Brereton 

Dr. Judith E. Campbell

Ms. Joanne Caputo
Ms. Michele Clifford 

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ciesinski - Bk2 Basics Wellness 

Ms. Cindy Codispoti and Mr. Matt Parker

Ms. Eva Marie Cusack and Mr. Timothy McPartin

The Cyrgalis Family 

Ms. Kathryn Dannemann

Ms. Anna Dosso 

Ms. Carole Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandez

Ms. Anne Marie Ferraro

Ms. Marion Fitzsimmons

Ms. Linda Fung, CPA and Mr. Tommy Mai

Mr. and Mrs. Giampiero Gassoso

Mr. Jeffrey Harris and Ms. Jane Ernst Harris

Mr. Edward and Mrs. Alison Powers Herman

Ms. Doreen Inserra, CPA

Ms. Lisa Inserra

Mr. Frank Jerrahian

Mr. and Mrs. Yevgeniv Korshunov

         Mr. David Luci & Mrs. Donna Luci

       Mr. Michael Lynch and Ms. Anne McGee

Dr. MariLisa Mancao

Mrs. Maria Molluzzo 

Mr. and Mrs. Al Montanino

Ms. Tara Regan

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riccardi

Ms. Katherine Santarpia 

Mr. Gian Scannella - Princess Travel 

Ms. Sharmila Rao Thakkar
Mr. and Mrs. Jamey Rimshnick

Ms. Valerie Toscano

Mary Ellen Usarzewicz and Mark Usarzewicz

Mr. Richard Vezzuto- Fast Signs

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Erald Zylaj




(July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)


Summum Bonum 

Ms. Constance Costa

The Michael Gordon Foundation

Mr. Peter Shudtz

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Malley


Leadership Circle



Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Calcagno

Mr. and Mrs. John Gustafsson 


Trustees’ Circle

Ms. Catherine Bertin

Mr. Thomas Moeller and Ms. Kristin Corapi

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fine

Ms. Kathleen Golden


President’s Circle

Mr. Joseph Ambrosole - NetConnect 

Mr. and Mrs. Dom Famulari

Mr. and Mrs. Mario Giammarco

Ms. Lina Fang

Ms. Mary Rizzuto-Galante - Chief Energy

Ms. Donna Griffo Johnson


Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Leone

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Markoglu

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mobilia

Dr. and Mrs. Teddy Neamonitis

Ms. Patricia Nolan

Ms. Rita Polidori O'Brien

Mr. Jose Ortega - Innovative Energy Solutions

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schirripa, Esq.

Ms. Marissa Jones, Esq. and Mr. Graham Sheen 

Mr. Larry and Mrs. Diane Sobin

Mr. and Mrs. Nino Tristani


Principal’s Circle

 Ms. Andrea Addeo - NorthEast Electrical Contractors Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arminante

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Basile - Four Seasons Food Service Management

Ms. Jennifer A. Brancato

Dr. Joseph Brogna

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cardinale

Mr. Daniel Locke and Ms. Donna Chan

Mr. Jay Chazanoff

Dr. Zhengqing Chen and Mrs. Lina Wu 

Utility Brass & Bronze-Architectural Grill - Giumenta and Cavendish Family

Ms. Veronika Crane

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dalessio

Ms. Carol Anne Danio

Mr. and Mrs. Pietro DiMaggio

Ms. Dina DiLorenzo

Mr. and Mrs. Donato DiMeglio

Mr. Hon Chung Mai and Ms. Vivan Dong 

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph El-Khoury

Mr. and Mrs. George Esposito

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fafian

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fama

Dr. Stephanie Famulari and Mr. Jon Fundaro

Ms. Stefanie Gaglia

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Gallo

Dr. and Mrs. Salvatore Germino

Ms. Claire McGee Gilbert and Mr. John Gilbert, Jr.

Ms. Alison Herman Powers and Mr. Edward Herman

Dr. Lauren Costa and Mr. Eric Johnstone

Dr. Philippe Akhrass and Dr. Jocelyne Karam

Staten Island University Hospital / Ms. Megan Kenny

Mutual of America Life Insurance/ Mr. James Lombardo

Mr. David and Mrs. Donna Luci

Ms. Linda Fung, CPA and Mr. Tommy Mai

Mr. Jeffrey Malihan and Ms. Sarah Malik

Mr. Ron Mannanice

Mr. and Mrs. John Mattock

Ms. Maureen Moore

Ms. Rose Mazzone

Ms. Maggie Thomann McRoskey and Mr. Michael McRoskey

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Miceli

Dr. Amber Ferrell and Mr. Sean Morales

Dr. Anne O'Donnell

Dr. and Mrs. Philip Otterbeck

Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Perfetto

Dr. and Mrs. John Reilly

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Reisert, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riccardi

Ms. Mary Madeline Rowan

Mr. Robert Scarpaci

Dr. Patricia Schwartz

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sheikowitz

Ms. Michele Stropli-Carr

Flynn O'Hara - Ms. Michelle Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Tabacco

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tahan

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taliercio

Ms. Frances Turbiak

Dr. Kim Murphy-Villafane and Mr. Eric Villafane

Ms. Leona Gerts and Mr. Tom Weber

Mr. Raymond Yeung

Dr. Michael and Dr. Janel Zacchilli


Hilltopper Circle

Dr. Loreta and Mr. Roy Andersen

Mr. George Anderson

Dr. Elizabeth and Mr. Allen Basile

Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Biondi

Mr. and Mrs. Nas Boljevic

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Brandon

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Brereton

Ms. Lori Callegari

Dr. Judith E. Campbell

Class of 1983

Ms. Michele Clifford

Ms. Kathryn Dannemann

Mr. and Mrs. Krzysztof Darlak

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene DeGennaro

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Diaz

Ms. Anna Dosso

Ms. Carole Edwards

Ms. Susan Fani

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandez

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ferraro

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Harris

Ms. Grace Kaiser

Dr. Yevgeniy Korshunov and Mrs. Marina Korshunova

Mr. Michael Krause - Statwood Home Improvements

Ms. Rosemarie Loffredo

Mr. James J. Lucey

Ms. Grace Mattei

Honorable Michael McMahon

Ms. Eva-Marie Cusack Mr. Timothy McPartlin

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Metz

Ms. Maria Molluzzo

Ms. Madlyn Montanino

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Monterosso

Mr. and Mrs. Vakhtangi Nikutchadze

Mrs. Doreen M. Inserra, CPA and Mr. Andrew Ottrando

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pane

The Pappalardo and Azzato Families

Dr. and Mrs. John Paskowski

Dr. Edward M. Pisarski and Ms. Dorothy Skiba Pisarski

Mr. and Mrs. Jakub Popadiuk

Mr. Mike Quick - The Landtek group 

Mr. and Mrs. James Runnels

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Schiavarelli

Mr. Ashrefe Apedo and Ms. Maryam Shaker

Dr. Alicia Sisk

Ms. Sabrina Teresa Sorrentino 

Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Tejani

Ms. Sharmila Rao Thakkar

Ms. Valerie Toscano

Mr. Joseph Idone and Ms. Lollobrigida Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Usarzewicz
Ms. Mary Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wright

FY 2025 1919 Society Members


(July 1, 2024 - February 4, 2025)

Summum Bonum 

Ms. Constance Costa

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Malley

Mr. Peter Shudtz

Leadership Circle


Borough President Mr. Vito Fossella

Mr. and Mrs. John Gustafsson

Mrs. Elizabeth Johnsen

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perciballi 

Dr. Edward Pisarski and Ms. Dorothy Skiba Pisarski 


Trustees’ Circle

Mr. Thomas Moeller and Ms. Kristin Corpai

Mr. and Mrs. George Esposito

Ms. Donna Griffo-Johnson

Mr. Larry and Mrs. Diane Sobin 

President’s Circle

Dr. Zhengqing Chen and Mrs. Lina Wu 

Ms. Dina DiLorenzo 

Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Leone

Dr. Anne O'Donnell

Ms. Linda Fung and Mr. Tommy Mai 

Ms. Mary Rizzuto-Galante 

Mr. and Mrs. John Troiano


Principal’s Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Basile - Four Seasons Food Management

Ms. Donna Chan and Mr. Daniel Locke

Mr. and Mrs. James Coccaro

Ms. Veronika Crane

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fama

The Cavendish and Giumenta Family

Dr. Stephanie Famulari and Mr. Jon Fundaro 

Ms. Kathleen Golden

Ms. Alison Powers Herman and Mr. Edward Herman

Mr. Maurice and Mrs. Dorothy Kent

Mr. and Mrs. Liju Lin

Ms. Joanne Pace and Mr. Walter J. Luby |||

Mr. and Mrs. David Luci 

Mr. John and Mrs. Elizabeth Mattock

Mr. James and Mrs. Marybeth McCarthy

Ms. Maggie Thomann McRoskey and Mr. Michael McRoskey

Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Miceli

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Montanti

Dr. Amber Ferrell and Mr. Sean Morales

Dr. Cindy Codispoti-Parker 

Ms. Kathleen Schwartz

Dr. Patricia Schwartz

Mr. Paul Tahan

Dr. Kim Murphy-Villafane and Dr. Eric Villafane 

Ms. Leona Gerts and Mr. Thomas Weber 

Dr. Janel Zacchilli and Dr. Michael Zacchilli


Hilltopper Circle

Ms. Angela Alcamo

Dr. Loreta and Mr. Roy Andersen

Dr. Elizabeth and Mr. Allen Basile

Dr. Judith E. Campbell

Alarmingly Affordable - Mr. Steven Capogna 

Ms. Joanne Caputo

Mr. Jay Chazanoff

Ms. Eva-Marie Cusack

Mr. Hon Chung Mai and Ms. Vivan Dong 

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandez

Dr. and Mrs. Salvatore Germino

Mr. and Mrs. Mario Giammarco 

Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert 

The Staten Island Foundation 

Ms. Jane Ernst Harris and Mr. Jeffrey Harris

Ms. ManWai Wu and Mr. Timmy Lang

Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Leone

Ms. Rosemarie Loffredo

Mr. James Lucey

Dr. Philippe Akhrass and Dr. Jocelyn Karam

Mr. and Mrs. Isaak Manashirov

Mr. J. Michael Lynch and Colonel Anne E. McGee

Mr. Michael McMahon

Ms. Doreen M. Inserra, CPA, PC and Mr. Andrew Ottrando

Ms. Tara Palamarik

Dr. and Mrs. John Paskowski 

Ms. Tara Regan

Dr. John Patrick and Mrs. Deborah Reilly

Ms. Kady Reilly

Dr. Claudia Fosket and Dr. Robert Smolinski

Mr. and Mrs. Erjon Spahiu 

Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Tejani

Mr. Joseph Idone and Ms. Lollobrigida Torres

Mr. Mark Usarzewicz and Mrs. MaryEllen Usarzewicz 

Mrs. Patricia and Mr. Edd Wong

Mr. Raymond Yeung

An Evening of Gratitude
for The 1919 Society
November 3, 2023
Richmond County Country Club
thank you

St. Joseph Hill Academy shares a deep appreciation for the support of The 1919 Society Members, our distinguished, leadership-level donors who provide sustained annual support to our Academy. On Friday, November 3, 2023, we held our 1919 Society Evening of Gratitude at the beautiful Richmond County Country Club. We are filled with gratitude for the warmth and inspiration we all draw from our St. Joseph Hill Academy leaders and 1919 Society members. Thank you to all our valued 1919 Society members, our esteemed benefactors, for your commitment to enhancing St. Joseph Hill Academy.  

thank you2
thank you 3
donor rec