Mission & Beliefs
The community of St. Joseph Hill Academy believes that:
- young women flourish and reach their full potential in an environment rooted in Christian values;
- education is a shared responsibility;
- all students have the right to a safe educational environment;
- technology is an essential component of education;
- students will rise to meet high academic and moral standards;
- we are responsible to foster an environment that develops independent-thinkers and confident leaders;
- community service leads to social consciousness and appreciation for diversity;
- making God’s love visible in the world is the highest good (Summum Bonum).
A graduate from St. Joseph Hill Academy will be:
- a disciplined, intellectually inquisitive, analytical thinker who is able to communicate effectively and confidently;
- compassionate and socially responsible;
- respectful of life, cultural diversity, and the physical environment;
- able to use her acquired knowledge as a foundation for life-long learning;
- an ever-welcomed member of the Hill community.