Welcome, Hill Class of 2029!
Welcome to the St. Joseph Hill Academy High School Class of 2029! Over the next four years at St. Joseph Hill Academy, our faculty, students, staff, families, and alumnae are going to embrace your learning, your heart, and your growth. Welcome to the sisterhood! We know St. Joseph Hill Academy will help you discover your "highest good" (Summum Bonum).
Class of 2029 Enrollment Form (Required): This form confirms your intention to enroll in St. Joseph Hill Academy High School for the 2025-2026 academic year. You will also choose your world language preference (Italian or Spanish) and academic pathway preference (STEM or Humanities).
Return by February 7, 2025 with $250 non-refundable acceptance fee.
Registration Day: We will be registering our Class of 2029 in the high school’s Social Hall on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from 3:00-5:00 PM. Please bring the completed registration form from your admissions packet with you on the day of registration. At registration you are asked to bring:
- non-refundable student activity fee of $900.00 (cash, credit card, bank check, or money order made payable to St. Joseph Hill Academy) No personal checks will be accepted.
- completed registration form (enclosed with acceptance packet)
- copy of your birth certificate
- copy of your Social Security card
- tuition payment preference form (enclosed with acceptance packet)
More information:
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