Religious Studies

Religious Department Courses
Department Chairperson

Fall Semester: The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture. This first course in religion examines the thirst and desire for God, as well as how “human beings have a longing for God”. Students will explore how God is revealed in many ways, and especially how God is revealed in Divine Revelation

Spring Semester: Who is Jesus Christ? This course continues to explore God’s revelation and explains our response to God’s revelation. The Incarnation is explored to show how Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation from our loving God.

Fall Semester: The Mission of Jesus Christ (The Paschal Mystery). This second-year course begins by exploring God promises to send His people a Savior, “The Christ”, to the world. The question of “How do we live as a disciple of Jesus?” is addressed in depth. The Old Testament prophets as well as other key Biblical passages are examined to prepare for an in-depth study of the birth, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Spring Semester: Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church. This semester begins with an exploration of how the Church began. Topics include how the Church is the sign and instrument of communion with God, the unity of the human race, the mission of the Church today, and the Four Marks of the Church.

Fall Semester: Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ. A sacrament is an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which the divine life of grace is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit. This course explores the foundation of the seven Catholic sacraments and all key details of each sacrament. The Sacraments of initiation, healing, and service are reviewed in depth.

Spring Semester: Life in Jesus Christ. This semester examines the great moral teachings of Jesus Christ as well as the way in which the Church has interpreted and implemented them. The reality of sin, as well as a thorough study of the Ten Commandments gives this course a good starting point for all Christians who yearn to live out their faith in today’s world.

Fall Semester: World Religions. This senior year course first explores the nature of religion from a foundational perspective, examining select indigenous religions and characteristics common to these primal religions. Then, major religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Sikhism are explored in depth.                 

Spring Semester: Catholic Social Teaching. This course is dedicated to understanding and interiorizing the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church. The seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching include life and the dignity of the human person, human rights and responsibilities, the option for the poor and vulnerable, economic and worker rights, and stewardship for God’s creation.